Making a Difference with Honeybees

Meet Kirstin Bailey of Fox Run Farms, a diversified family operation in Brainard, Nebraska. Photo by Sydney Erickson, FSA.

By Sydney Erickson, Farm Service Agency 

Meet Kirstin Bailey of Fox Run Farms, a diversified family operation in Brainard, Nebraska. Kirstin and her family transformed the farm in the early 2000s, planting the beginnings of their vineyard and adding specialty crops soon after. As the farm began to grow, Kirstin discovered new opportunities for growth and sustainability with honeybees, showing that busy bees can make a big difference.  

Finding a Solution  

Walking around Kirstin’s family farm, it is easy to see the history of Fox Run Farms. Sheds, large and small barns, and a vineyard showcase the generations that have helped it become what it is today.   Continue reading

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Introducing Metro Atlanta Students to the Importance of Agriculture

FSA staff in Georgia coordinated events that introduced farm animals and hands-on agricultural education to over 1,600 students in the Metro Atlanta area.

By Jay Ivey, Farm Service Agency

In the midst of Metro Atlanta’s urban environment, agriculture may seem like a distant concept to many students. However, three events hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Georgia aimed to change that by introducing farm animals and hands-on agricultural education to over 1,600 students. Events at Chattahoochee Hills Charter School, Luther J. Price Middle School, and Lovin Elementary School brought the farm directly to the classroom, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of agriculture among the students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders.   Continue reading

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Be the Link: Driving Positive Change

Alicia Nesbary Moore is an urban farmer in Chicago, Illinois. Photo courtesy of Herban Produce.

By Mary Kirby, Farm Service Agency 

It’s time once again for the USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) annual county committee elections. We’re introducing you to current committee members across the nation throughout the nomination period, which runs now through Aug. 1, 2024. This week, meet Alicia Nesbary Moore of Chicago.

The Perfect Solution

Alicia’s passion for agriculture blossomed during graduate school where her thesis focused on cereal crop genomics.

“I struggled to find my path as a scientist, wanting my work to directly benefit my community,” she said. “Urban agriculture provided the perfect solution, allowing me to apply my scientific knowledge while serving my community.” Continue reading

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Be the Link: Collaboration and Connection

Melva McGee Johnson serves as a member on her FSA county committee in Brazos County, Texas. Photo by Joshua Coleman, FSA.

By Joshua Coleman, Farm Service Agency

It’s time once again for the USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) annual county committee elections. We’re introducing you to current committee members across the nation throughout the nomination period, which runs now through Aug. 1, 2024. This week, meet Melva McGee Johnson of Brazos County, Texas.

Instilled and Embraced

Farming and agriculture have been instilled in Melva McGee Johnson her entire life. For generations, Melva’s family has embraced farming as a way of life.

“Farming and agriculture is all I knew growing up as a child.  I was raised on a farm which was right next door,” Melva said. “Our first cow was named Susie, we had chickens and hogs. We planted and produced peas, corn, watermelons and other vegetables. In the early years, my dad used my grandfather’s mule to assist with planting our small crops. The crops were used for consumption and sales.” Continue reading

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FFA American Star Farmer Finds Success with Farm Loans

Daniel Jossund is a beginning farmer from Perley, Minnesota, and the 2023 American FFA Star Farmer. Photo courtesy of Daniel Jossund

By Ellyn Oelfke, FSA, Minnesota 

Meet Daniel Jossund of Perley, Minnesota, where he raises corn, wheat, soybeans, sugar beets, and barley with his family. When he isn’t working the land, he’s busy studying economics at North Dakota State University with plans to farm full time after he graduates in 2025.

Daniel received an honor of a lifetime at the 2023 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis – the American FFA Star Farmer award. According to FFA, this award goes to the FFA member that demonstrates the top production agriculture supervised agricultural experience in the nation. The member must demonstrate outstanding achievement, active FFA participation and an exemplary scholastic record. Continue reading

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Be the Link: Connections to People and the Land

Adam Hill, director of urban agriculture and community garden programs at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, is a member of the FSA urban county committee in Philadelphia. Photo courtesy of Adam Hill.

By Melissa Webreck, Farm Service Agency

It’s time once again for the USDA Farm Service Agency’s annual county committee elections. We’re introducing you to current committee members across the nation throughout the nomination period, which runs now through Aug. 1, 2024. This week, meet Adam Hill, chairperson of the FSA urban county committee in Philadelphia.

Connected to the Land

Adam developed his love for agriculture while studying indigenous farming techniques in Guatemala and southern Mexico. When he returned to the U.S., he wanted to grow and help promote sustainable farming practices and stay connected to the land. Continue reading

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Be the Link: Serving and Learning

Linda Hanson, member of the FSA county committee in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, enjoys meeting other producers and learning how they benefit from FSA programs. Photo by Francine Kealey.

By Francine Kealey, Farm Service Agency  

It’s time once again for the USDA Farm Service Agency’s annual county committee elections. We’re introducing you to current committee members across the nation throughout the nomination period, which runs now through Aug. 1, 2024. This week, meet Linda Hanson of Plymouth County, Massachusetts. 

Farm and Family 

Hanson Farm has been in operation since the mid-1930s. Linda’s husband Bob is the third generation to live in the original farmhouse where he and Linda work and raised their family. 

Linda and Bob met after Bob graduated from college and that’s when he decided to start a dairy as part of their operation alongside his brother, David. Linda now manages the dairy parlor. Hanson Farm also grows and sells vegetables, eggs, firewood, hay and straw.   Continue reading

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Planting Urban Roots in South Carolina

Robbie McClam stands on the left of a table and Eric McClam stands on the right.

Urban farmers Robbie (left) and Eric McClam (right) are the owners of City Roots Organic Farm in Columbia, South Carolina. Photo courtesy of City Roots Organic Farm.

By Sabrenna Bryant, FSA, South Carolina 

Meet Eric and Robbie McClam of City Roots Organic Farm, an urban farm located in downtown Columbia, South Carolina. This eight-acre operation grows USDA certified organic microgreens year-round, and their produce is sold to restaurants, grocery retailers and food distributors throughout the east, from New York to Florida.  

Growing with USDA Programs  

Since 2009, City Roots has worked with both USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to install facilities and conservation practices on their farm.  

“Once we learned about USDA programs, mainly by word of mouth and through other agriculture organizations, we immediately started applying for as many programs as we were eligible for,” Eric said. “I can say with certainty that we would not be successful without utilizing these programs.”  Continue reading

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Be the Link: The Value of Conversation

Lee Nunn stands next to a green tractor.

Lee Nunn, member of the FSA county committee in Morgan County, Georgia, values the conversations with fellow farmers and assisting FSA staff with local issues. Photo by Ansley Hatcher, FSA.

By Jay Ivey, Farm Service Agency 

It’s time once again for the USDA Farm Service Agency’s annual county committee elections. We’re introducing you to current committee members across the nation throughout the nomination period, which runs now through Aug. 1, 2024. This week, meet Samuel “Lee” Nunn of Morgan County, Georgia. 

Starting from Scratch 

Lee Nunn has been involved in agriculture for his entire life. Growing up on his family’s dairy farm he helped on the dairy farm as his grandfather neared retirement. Despite his passion for the agriculture industry, Lee took a break from farming to start his construction company until an opportunity to farm again came about in 2005.  Continue reading

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Be the Link: Carrying on Traditions and Overcoming Challenges

Book St. Goddard and wife Verna Billedeaux stand by a sign saying "Book & Verna Ranch"

Book St. Goddard and his wife Verna Billedeaux, along with nephew, Jon St. Goddard, raise beef cattle on their ranch on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. USDA photo.

By Elise Gaboury, Farm Service Agency 

 It’s time once again for the USDA Farm Service Agency’s annual county committee elections. We’re introducing you to current committee members across the nation throughout the nomination period, which runs now through Aug. 1, 2024. This week, meet Book St. Goddard, member of the Blackfeet Nation in Montana. 

Passing Down Traditions 

Book St. Goddard is a third-generation rancher raising beef cattle, barley and alfalfa hay on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in northwestern Montana. Book operates the ranch with his wife Verna Billedeaux and nephew, Jon St. Goddard.  

While serving as an educator for Browning Public Schools for 25 years, Book maintained the ranching operation he was born into. His great grandfather started the operation and his father proudly carried on the tradition.  Continue reading

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