Ohio FSA Partners to Sponsor Pee-Wee Swine Showmanship

Children ages two to eight participated in an FSA-sponsored Pee-Wee Showmanship.

by Holly Gates, Defiance/Tiffin Ohio FSA

As the summer is in full swing, so are county fairs across the nation and Ohio is no exception.  The Tiffin/Defiance FSA Farm Loan team along with the Wood County FSA and the Bowling Green Ag Credit office sponsored the 2nd Annual Flying Pig Pee Wee Swine Showmanship in Wood County, Ohio. 

The contest is in its second year in Wood County and allows for any child under the eligibility age rules for 4-H, exhibiting their talents in swine showmanship.  This year the contest consisted of 35 participants ranging from ages two to eight.  Each participant received a gift certificate for a milkshake from the Ag Credit office and each winner of the five classes received a bucket full of show “tools” and other goodies from FSA.  Though not a swine judge by trade, State Executive Director Steve Maurer served as an honorary judge and stated that he thinks he did a great job selecting some outstanding future showman. “I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the youth,” he said.

The partnership between Ag Credit and the Farm Service Agency staffs gives FSA the chance to introduce staff, meet with families and discuss FSA programs in a fun and casual setting.

“Providing great service doesn’t stop at the FSA counter, our staff provides great service 24/7 three hundred and sixty-five days a year,” Maurer stated.  “This is a great example of how FSA employees take the opportunity to showcase the importance of agriculture to our youth.”

As the summer is in full swing, so are county fairs across the nation and Ohio is no exception.  The Tiffin/Defiance FSA Farm Loan team along with the Wood County FSA and the Bowling Green Ag Credit office sponsored the 2nd Annual Flying Pig Pee Wee Swine Showmanship in Wood County, Ohio. 

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