Debra Jantzi and her nine children own and operate Treasured Sunrise Acres, a raw goat dairy, in Parma, Idaho.
By: Kaylyn Franks, Idaho FSA
Debra Jantzi owns a raw and pasteurized goat dairy in the Treasure Valley of western Idaho. With faith and determination, she and her nine children established Treasured Sunrise Acres from the ground up.
From 4-H to Farming
Before the dairy, the Jantzi kids were involved with their local 4-H, where they learned first-hand about raising and marketing goats. Each one had their own small goat herd and were responsible for keeping the records on feeding, breeding, and marketing.
The oldest daughter came up with the idea to open their own certified raw goat dairy. To get them started, a retired dairyman leased his farm to the Jantzi family and took them under his wing. Treasured Sunrise Acres soon became the first certified Grade A raw goat dairy in Idaho.
Becoming an Owner
When Debra and the children decided it was time to buy a dairy of their own, they discovered farm ownership loans available through USDA’s Farm Service Agency. Working with their local USDA service center, they took out a farm ownership loan to help purchase a former dairy farm. The Jantzi family also obtained a loan to help with building improvements.
“FSA has been a life saver for us. We wanted to grow and could not on our own,” Debra said. “This family-owned dairy has provided my children a lifestyle where they can be together, develop their skills, and have fun. The operation is fluid, constantly changing and adapting.”

Treasured Sunrise Acres is now home to 158 goats.
Dedicated to Farming
Treasured Sunrise Acres is now home to 158 goats that graze on irrigated pastures. The Jantzi family also provide their goats with alfalfa and their own formulated grain mix which is tested, certified, and licensed. Treasured Sunrise Acres also sells the all-natural feed line to other producers. The Jantzis also started a line of pasteurized milk and sells goats to other customers who want goats for breeding or as pets.
Debra encourages her children to tap into their strengths, which has contributed to the diversity of the business. Between milking, feeding, breeding, and marketing, each family member has a different role in the operation.
“Debra and her kids are very dedicated,” said Shawna Anderson, farm loan manager with the Farm Service Agency in Caldwell, Idaho. “They were able to market their goat milk at a perfect time, finding a niche market that has held strong with the continued growth in the area.”
More Information
USDA offers a variety of risk management, disaster, loan, and conservation programs to help agricultural producers in the United States weather ups and downs in the market and natural disasters as well as invest in improvements to their operations. Learn about additional programs.
For more information about USDA programs and services, contact your local USDA service center.
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