Paul Oxley is serving the second year of his second term on the Putnam County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) County Committee in West Virginia. A fellow farmer nominated Oxley to serve on the committee.
County committee members are elected by their peers and are a direct link between the agricultural community and USDA. Committee members are a critical component of the day-to-day operations of FSA. They help deliver FSA farm programs at the local level. Farmers who serve on committees help decide the kind of programs their counties will offer and work to make FSA agricultural programs serve the needs of local producers.
Oxley lives in Hurricane where he raises beef cattle and grows hay and corn. He sells the harvested corn to local deer hunters. Oxley was raised on the farm that’s been in his family for 150 years. He retired from his off-farm job and farms full time now.
Oxley enjoys educating producers on FSA programs and is dedicated to reaching beginning farmers and ranchers.
“These programs can really help the young farmers, which we need more of,” Oxley said. “They are few and far between.”
Oxley encourages nominated producers to consider serving on their county committee and offers a word of advice, “Voice your opinions in the meetings and make sure that things are done properly and that people are treated fairly.”
For more information on FSA county committee elections, contact your local FSA office or visit To find your local FSA office, visit