In an effort to support the Feds Feed Families Food Drive, USDA agencies in the St. Paul, Minn. area joined forces to provide $640, the equivalent of 1,920 pounds of food, to the Second Harvest Heartland food bank by participating in a USDA Interagency Pig Roast. Hosted by the Minnesota FSA FISH Committee — a voluntary employee group that follows the FISH philosophy of workplace management developed by John Christensen, and is dedicated to boosting employee morale by bringing a positive attitude to the workplace — the menu boasted of BBQ pork, coleslaw, chips, beans, watermelon and cookies. Employees paid $8 per plate with the understanding that profits would benefit Feds Feed Families initiative. Attendees played a “PIG Quiz” with an opportunity to win fabulous pig-related prizes such as a can of SPAM, a pig’s ear chew and a can of pork and beans.