Category Archives: News
USDA to Add and Expand Biomass Crop Production Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced today that it will create two new Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) project areas in New York and North Carolina and expand an already established BCAP project area in Arkansas. “Increasing the production of … Continue reading
Farm Exports Are Creating Jobs and Growing the Rural Economy
Demand for American food and agricultural products abroad has led to the three best consecutive years for U.S. farm exports in the nation’s history, according to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “In 2010, President Obama comitted to doubling U.S. exports in … Continue reading
Sugar Sees No Increase in Tariff-Rate Quota or Company Sugar Marketing Allotments
There will not be an increase in the raw sugar tariff-rate quota (TRQ) or the domestic sugarcane or sugar beet processor marketing allotments, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A June review of the U.S. sugar market indicates a … Continue reading
Reminder: Comments Sought on Microloan Proposal
Comments are being sought on a proposal to improve the Farm Service Agency operating loan program to better meet the needs of small farmers. The new microloan program would simplify and streamline the application process and cut the paperwork in … Continue reading
USDA Ag Statistics Service to Contact Producers for Surveys
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is contacting farmers and ranchers across the country to gather information for three simultaneous surveys that focus on agricultural acreage, crops produced and stored, and hog inventory. Trained NASS enumerators will personally interview … Continue reading
Commodity Credit Corporation Releases Lending Rates for June
The USDA Commodity Credit Corporation, which helps stabilize, support and protect farm income and prices, released interest rates for June 2012. The borrowing rate-based charge is 0.125, which is unchanged from May 2012, while the 1996 and subsequent crop year … Continue reading
20,000 Acres Added to Conservation Program to Benefit Chesapeake Bay Watershed
USDA has finalized changes to the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), that will help reduce harmful sediments and fertilizers coming from farmland and entering into Pennsylvania rivers and streams. The improvement also will enhance waters downstream in Maryland, Virginia and … Continue reading
Upcoming Seminar Highlights Effects of Climate Change on Producers
The USDA Climate Change Program Office will host a seminar on “Climate Change Science: What USDA Needs to Know” on Thursday, June 7 from 2-4 p.m. in the USDA South Building Jefferson Auditorium in Washington, D.C. Scientists from within and … Continue reading
Deadline to Enroll in DCP is Friday, June 1
Producers who want to enroll in the 2012 Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payment (DCP) program have only two days left to apply. DCP provides payments to eligible producers on farms enrolled for the 2008-2012 crop years. Both direct payments and counter-cyclical … Continue reading
USDA Proceeds With FSA County Office Consolidation Plan
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that it is proceeding with Farm Service Agency county office consolidations as part of the department’s Blueprint for Stronger Service. The Blueprint will help modernize and accelerate service delivery while improving the customer experience … Continue reading