Category Archives: News
USDA Grant Used to Train New Farmers and Ranchers
A $742,526 grant by USDA will provide training to beginning farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma. The yearlong courses consist of business and whole farm planning along with two tracks in horticulture and livestock. (NewsOK).
Direct Payments Could Be Replaced by Insurance Subsidy
Crop subsidies in the form of direct payments may be on the chopping block after the debt supercommittee received a recommendation from the Congressional Agriculture Committees to cut $23 billion from farm spending over the next 10 years. But all … Continue reading
Kudzu Bug Makes Meal Out of Soybean Crops
The fast-spreading Japanese vine that invaded the South now has brought with it a pest that is destroying soybean crops. The kudzu bug or Megacopta cribari is another Asian import first discovered in Atlanta a couple of years ago. Since … Continue reading
CRP Grazing Approved for 92 Texas Counties
Producers in 92 counties in Texas have been authorized to open their Conservation Reserve Program acres for emergency grazing. Effective Nov. 1, farmers can use CRP acreage for their own livestock or may grant another producer use of the land. … Continue reading
House Members Ask Supercommittee to Leave Feds Pay Alone
Some lawmakers are urging the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to stop any cuts to federal pay and benefits. A letter sent by 16 ranking members of House committees to the debt supercommittee stated that federal employees have sacrificed … Continue reading
Virginia Farmers Get Help Fixing Fences Torn Down In Tornadoes
The Farm Service Agency has been especially busy in 2011 assisting farmers and ranchers through extremely challenging disasters. Here is another perspective on the way FSA assists as told by WCYB television reporter Laura Halm in Glade Spring, Va. GLADE … Continue reading
MS Farm Loan Manager Honored for Leadership, Humanitarian Support
The Mississippi Delta Council For Farm Workers Opportunities, Inc. held its 40th Year Anniversary Celebration last week. Mrs. Bobbie Butler (photo), Farm Loan Manager, Coahoma County FSA was recognized for providing outstanding, iconic leadership and generous humanitarian support to MDC and … Continue reading
Gobbledygook Gone, Plain Writing In
A year ago, President Obama signed the Plain Writing Act. It requires the federal government to write all new publications, forms and publicly distributed documents simply and directly. Plain language is defined as “writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and … Continue reading
Texas Drought Could Last Another 9 Years
The historical drought that scorched the entire state of Texas this year and cause more than $5 billion in damages to the agriculture industry could last another nine year, according to a climatologist. John Nielson-Gammon said the drought could last … Continue reading
USDA Farm Service Agency Decreases Complaint Rate to Lowest Level in History
The USDA Farm Service Agency has reduced the number of civil rights complaints in fiscal year 2010 to the lowest level in the agency’s history, while increasing the number of loans and dollar amount obligated to programs dedicated to minority … Continue reading