Category Archives: News
Drought Expected to Continue Through the Fall
Producers in parts of the South looking for relief from the drought will have to wait a little longer. According to USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey, drought conditions are expected to persist or intensify through the fall months.
FSA Disaster Programs Easing Farmers’ Burden
Farmers in Texas have experienced one of the worst droughts in the state’s history on top of wildfires that have destroyed thousands of acres of farmland and left producers wondering how they will recover. For many, the answer is crop … Continue reading
Weather Contributes to Lower Corn Forecast
Excessive heat and dry conditions along the Corn Belt took its toll on the corn crop, causing USDA to lower its total corn production forecast by 3 percent, down 12.5 billion bushels from last month. Average corn price forecast by … Continue reading
Smoke from Texas Wildfires Seen from Space Station
Smoke plumes from the wildfires in Texas that have destroyed more than 1,400 homes and thousands of acres of land can be seen from the International Space Station. (Click to see larger image).
USDA Providing Assistance to Producers Affected by Hurricane Irene
USDA is deploying personnel and resources to assist the efforts by federal, state and local authorities along the East Coast in response to the livestock and crop damage caused by Hurricane Irene. "We continue to closely coordinate with many partners … Continue reading
Researchers Find Chromosome at Fault for Bovine Disease
Certain bovine diseases could be part of a cows genetic makeup, according to a study by the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Researchers have discovered a location on a bovine chromosome that is associated with the incidence of pinkeye, foot rot … Continue reading
Commodity Credit Corporation Releases Lending Rates for September
The USDA Commodity Credit Corporation, which helps stabilize, support and protect farm income and prices, released interest rates for August 2011. The borrowing rate-based charge is 0.125, which is unchanged from August 2011, while the 1996 and subsequent crop year … Continue reading
American Agriculture Thriving Despite Setbacks
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack praised the resiliency of farmers and ranchers after the Farm Income report, released this week, showed U.S. farm income set to hit a record high. “This year brought a host of challenges for America’s farmers, … Continue reading
Union Tells Supercommittee Not to Target Feds
A union representing federal employees has told The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to leave federal employees alone and target contractors as a way of cutting federal spending. Known as the supercommittee, the 12-member group was formed as part … Continue reading
Emergency Grazing Extended in 2 Colorado Counties
Emergency grazing for acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program has been extended for producers in El Paso and Elbert counties in Colorado. Eligible producers must obtain approval from FSA before haying eligible acres. The extension runs through Sept. 30, … Continue reading