Ag Department Chemist Who Developed Wrinkle-Free Cotton Dies


Photo courtesy of Lemelson-MIT Program

A former Department of Agriculture chemist who played a major role in the development of wrinkle-free cotton has died. Ruth Benerito passed away Oct. 5 at her home in Metairie, La., at the age of 97. In the late 1950s, Benerito led a team of researchers that developed a chemical treatment that reinforced cotton fibers, making them less likely to wrinkle. The innovative chemical changed the world and the cotton industry. Cotton was a main staple in everyday living, with the only drawback being its ability to wrinkle so severely that it could be uncomfortable to wear or use as bedding. The chemical alleviated this problem and further refinements allowed cotton fabric to hold creases and be stain and flame resistant. Benerito worked for the Agriculture Department from 1953 to 1986 and received 55 patents. Read more (Washington Post).

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