Category Archives: News
Unmanned Helicopter Could Help Protect Crops
One Car’s Mission to Raise Awareness of the Asian Longhorned Beetle
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is making good use out of a Volkswagen Beetle to warn people about the dangers of the Asian Longhorned Beetle. The destructive bug has hit trees in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Toronto and Massachusetts. … Continue reading
Incubator Farm Helps Beginning Farmers Grow
Experimental land in New York is helping immigrants grow farms of their own. Sponsored by the Groundswell Center for Local Food and Farming, the Ithaca, N.Y.-based farmland provides beginning farmers access to land, help with production and professional advice. The … Continue reading
USDA Soliciting Bids Under Feedstock Flexibility Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is inviting sugar processors to sell sugar to the Commodity Credit Corporation and bioenergy producers to buy sugar for bioenergy production under the Feedstock Flexibility Program (FFP). FFP requires the purchase of sugar as a … Continue reading
$40 Million in Grants, Loans Available to Provide Safe Housing for Farmworkers
Nearly $40 million in grants and loans are available to provide housing for farmworkers and their families. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack made the announcement on Wednesday stating that the USDA Farm Labor Housing Program is the only national source of … Continue reading
Record-Setting Corn Production on the Horizon
Corn production is forecast to jump 28 percent to 13.8 billion bushels. If the forecast is met, it will be the largest corn production on record in the United States, according to the latest USDA Crop Production report released Aug. … Continue reading
U.S. Cropland Values Increase 13 Percent
The value of cropland in the United States increased 13 percent to $4,000 per acre, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Land in the Northern Plains and Corn Belt saw the greatest increase with 25 percent … Continue reading
Lack of Workers Prove Costly to Local Producers
Texas farmers Bernie and Cynthia Thiel spent days planting, watering and nurturing their squash. Now, they are shredding those profits into the ground because they have no workers to pick the crop. After advertising on the radio and newspaper for … Continue reading
Report: 96 Percent of Farms are Family Owned
A report released this month by the USDA Economic Research Service shows that 96 percent of U.S. farms with crop production are family owned. The report, Farm Size and the Organization of U.S. Crop Farming, stated that businesses owned and … Continue reading
USDA Provides Additional Assistance to Ranchers Impacted by Drought
Livestock producers in areas impacted by drought may find some relief as the USDA Farm Service Agency approved the opening of additional Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres for haying or grazing. “States must adhere to specific guidelines to ensure that … Continue reading