Category Archives: News
House Extends Pay Freeze to End of Fiscal Year; Supports Sequester
Members of the House of Representatives voted on a continuing resolution Wednesday that would keep federal salaries frozen through September and uphold the $982 billion sequester. Should the legislation pass, the government would avoid a shut down on March 27 … Continue reading
Senate Wants to Cut Congressional Pay During Sequestration
New legislation was birthed in the Senate this week that would reduce congressional pay once government furloughs begin. The bill would force congressional leaders to sacrifice a portion of their paycheck to align with the loss many government employees will … Continue reading
Deadline Approaches for Hispanic and Women Farmers to File Claims
Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers who allege discrimination by USDA in past decades have until March 25, 2013, to file a claim in order to receive a cash payment or loan forgiveness. The claims process is a voluntary alternative … Continue reading
USDA to Set Thresholds on Interest Rates for Guaranteed Farm Loans
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking comments on an interim rule that sets thresholds on interest rates charged by lenders on FSA guaranteed farm ownership and operating loans. The change would clearly set the maximum interest rate lenders may … Continue reading
Commodity Credit Corporation Releases Lending Rates for March
The USDA Commodity Credit Corporation, which helps stabilize, support and protect farm income and prices, released interest rates for March 2013. The borrowing rate-based charge is 0.125, which is unchanged from February 2013, while the 1996 and subsequent crop year … Continue reading
Producers Surveyed to Determine Planting Intentions for 2013
Thousands of farmers and rancher are being surveyed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service about their planting intentions for 2013. Results of the survey will help determine what to expect this growing season after last year’s … Continue reading
Robots Could Annihilate ‘Superweeds’
Placing robots on the farm is not a new idea, but researchers at the University of Nebraska are hoping to develop one that will combat “superweeds” that are growing resistant to many herbicides. The robot would roam the fields and … Continue reading
Snow Storms Bring Some Relief to Drought-Stricken Areas
Farmers in the Great Plains are welcoming the barrage of snowstorms blanketing the area. Although livestock may be stressed, the moisture is bringing relief to one of the worst droughts in U.S. history. Rain and snow left up to 18 … Continue reading
Latest Edition of MIDAS Press Focuses on Final Stages and Training Efforts
MIDAS is in the final testing stages for the farm records deployment and soon will start scheduling training for super users, state trainers and end users, according to the latest issue of MIDAS Press. The 2013 winter edition highlights the … Continue reading
Man-Made Risk Creates Uncertainty in Agriculture, Rural America
With record farm income, record exports and more young people moving into agriculture, the entire field of agriculture is becoming cool again. So what risk do we need to manage? That’s the question Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asked during his … Continue reading