Category Archives: News
Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments Continued for 2013
The marketing assistance loan (MAL) and loan deficiency payment (LDP) provisions have been extended for the 2013 crop year. MALs and LDPs provide financing and marketing assistance for wheat, rice, feed grains, soybeans and other oilseeds, peanuts, pulse crops, cotton, … Continue reading
Census Forms Still Being Accepted; Deadline Extended
The deadline to turn in the 2012 Agricultural Census has been extended to March 15 to ensure that all farms are counted. To date, more than 1.4 million forms have been submitted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. An additional … Continue reading
MN Extension Connects Producers With School Cafeterias
The University of Minnesota Extension has partnered to bring a series of workshops designed to link local farmers with schools and cafeterias. The Farm to Cafeteria workshops are designed to educate farmers and educational institutions in Minnesota about collaborating to … Continue reading
Commodity Credit Corporation Releases Lending Rates for February
The USDA Commodity Credit Corporation, which helps stabilize, support and protect farm income and prices, released interest rates for February 2013. The borrowing rate-based charge is 0.125, which is unchanged from January 2013, while the 1996 and subsequent crop year … Continue reading
Dairy Farmers Win Millions in Price-Fixing Settlement
Dairy Farmers of America and other entities have agreed to pay $158.6 million to farmers across 14 states to settle an antitrust suit alleging that the dairy cooperative conspired to fix the price of milk in the Southeast. About 7,000 … Continue reading
Dairy Producers to Receive MILC Payments Soon; New AGI Forms Required
Dairy farmers enrolled in the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program soon will be receiving payments for the September 2012 marketings. Payments will be issued beginning Feb. 5; however, producers must complete a new Average Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) form … Continue reading
Japan Lifts Restrictions on U.S. Beef Imports
Japan is easing restrictions on U.S. beef imports after nearly 10 years. New terms and agreements will allow livestock producers to export beef from cows up to 30 months old, which is up from the current 20-month age limit. Japan … Continue reading
Wyoming Couple Travels 430 Miles to Deliver Hay to Struggling Farmers
A Wyoming couple has jump-started their big rig and hit the road in an effort to provide hay to farmers affected by the drought. Nearly three to four times a week, the couple travels 430 miles from Rozet, Wyo., to … Continue reading
Less Than 2 Weeks Remain for Producers to Complete 2012 Ag Census
Less than two weeks remain for producers to complete the 2012 Ag Census. The census collects detailed data covering nearly every facet of U.S. agriculture. It looks at land use and ownership, production practices, expenditures and other factors that affect … Continue reading
MILC Contracts Automatically Extended
Dairy producers enrolled in the Milk Income Loss Contract program (MILC) will have their contracts automatically extended through Sept. 30, 2013. There is no need to re-enroll in the program. The MILC program is part of several FSA-related programs that … Continue reading