Category Archives: News
Farmers Can Opt In or Out of ACRE Program; Sign-Up Begins Feb. 19
Producers can now choose to enroll in the Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payment Program (DCP) or the Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE), when sign-up begins on Feb. 19. Originally, producers who signed up for ACRE could not move out of … Continue reading
Farmers Can Opt In or Out of ACRE Program
Producers will now have the option of opting in or out of the Average Crop Revenue Election Program, or ACRE. With the extension of the 2008 Farm Bill, the ACRE program is extended for another year. Originally, producers who signed … Continue reading
USDA to Offer New Microloan Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is offering a new loan program to assist beginning farmers, veterans and smaller farm operations. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the new microloan program today, stating that it will provide loans for under $35,000 to … Continue reading
Corn Still Seventh Highest on Record Despite Long-Lingering Drought
The drought seemed to have its toll on corn production last year. Based on the USDA 2012 Crop Report summary, corn production was estimated at 10.8 billion bushels, which is 13 percent below 2011 numbers. Despite the decrease, last year’s … Continue reading
Former Sen. Tom Daschle to Speak During Ag Outlook Forum
Former South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle will take the podium next month as one of the guest speakers during the 2013 Agricultural Outlook Forum. The forum — held Feb. 21-22 in Arlington, Va. — will focus on the theme “Managing … Continue reading
Reminder: FSA Changes Way IRS 1099 Forms are Distributed
Producers whose total reportable payments from the Farm Service Agency are less than $600 will not receive IRS Form 1099-G. Previously, the forms were issued to show all program payments received from FSA, regardless of the amount. Producers who receive … Continue reading
Commodity Credit Corporation Releases Lending Rates for January
The USDA Commodity Credit Corporation, which helps stabilize, support and protect farm income and prices, released interest rates for January 2013. The borrowing rate-based charge is 0.125, which is unchanged from December 2012, while the 1996 and subsequent crop year … Continue reading
Nominees Sought for USDA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Committee
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations for the Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Advisory Committee. Members of the committee advise the Agriculture Secretary on matters affecting new farmers and ranchers and consider goals and objectives necessary to implement recommendations. … Continue reading
Scientist Collaborate on Ways to Stop Destructive Stink Bug
Researchers are finding ways to stop the devastating forces of the brown marmorated stink bug. Listed as the top invasive insect of interest by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the stink bug has been detected in 38 states and caused … Continue reading
Less Than a Week Left to Receive Ag Outlook Forum Early Registration Discount
A little over a week remains for participants to receive the early registration discount for the 2013 Agricultural Outlook Forum. The forum — held Feb. 21-22 in Arlington, Va. — will feature 25 sessions with more than 85 speakers discussing issues related to risk … Continue reading